



東京から200km圏内の産地が多いため、特に9月の彼岸期は、これらの混乱がとても目に付く。まして、昨日の台風の影響で、露地物は濡れており、箱も軟弱な上、歪んでいるものが多い。このような現状の中で、セリ前取引(情報売り)を推進するとなると、農水省で現在行なっているEDI化(Electric Data Interchange)と市場協会が推進もとになる農水省フラワーコードに加え、産地の鮮度保持保冷庫完備の大規模なコンピュータライズされた集出荷所と、運送店のIT化が必要になる。鉢物は1日おいてもさほど傷まないが、切り花は外気温20℃になると、傷みが激しくなる。消費者の一番の関心事は、花持ちがいいことであるから、需要期間際に合わせて出荷も買いも集中する。


How Are Supply Chains Adapted to "Information Technology Society" When the season is on, flower growers are so hectic, which causes many differences between the actual goods and the pre-information on their production. As another problem, some flowers from far areas may arrive at the market around 7.00am, when the auction is to start. Moreover, the last strong typhoon which attacked Tokai Area in Japan remained us an unpleasant effect. We found most of plants, cut flowers and boxes terribly damaged because of the heavy rain.

Under such circumstances, it is necessary for flower business to be introduced Electric Data Interchange, Flower Codes led by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the depots which are fully computerized with refrigerator rooms to keep flowers fresh. Furthermore, carriers are needed to catch up "Information Technology" in order to promote the pre-auction dealings. Cut flowers are terribly damaged under 20°c while plants are remained rather fresh. consumers tend to think much of long life of the flowers, therefore, the supply & demand may concentrate just before high season.

It may cause a lot of trouble on consumers if the quantity of the work overwhelms the capacity to digest it because we still work on hands in spite of the fact that it is a custom of the floriculture service to work on without any sleep or rests. We need to produce supply chains of floriculture service on the purpose of smooth response especially during busy season. When we succeed it , we can expect another 20% increase of the demand.

2000/09/18 磯村信夫