


今、ITが時代の寵児である。それに伴ない、付随して遣われる「革命」という言葉がやたらに目に付く。ITを使った改善ではなぜいけないのか。改善や改革などの、もう少し穏便な言い回しの方が、むしろ事態を正確に表わしているのではないかと感じる。知識社会といわれる今、マネージメントもナレッジマネージメント(knowledge management)など、ITを使った手法が定着しつつあるが、知識は必ずその人の中にあるから、その人がその気にならなければ、組織全体の知識の活用というのは難しい。「北風」ではなく、「太陽」で経営や仕事を行なうことが、サービス社会、知識社会において欠かせない。さすれば、個人も法人である事業体も、信義を貴び、相手からその人や事業会社が、どのような哲学を持って行動しているか、その価値観を知ってもらう必要がある。


Northern Wind or Bright Sunshine?According to the questionnaire which the Prime Minister's Office made this July, 81.9% of all the respondents would choose domestic products while 0.4% would choose imported goods, reported Nikkei Newspaper yesterday. The Prime Minister's Office conducted the questionnaire survey of 5,000 people who are over 20 years old. Some people insist that strong measures such as subsidization should be taken for domestic agriculture. 64.9% people agree on this point. 63.0% people insist on the progress in productivity of agriculture. This result tells us that they take Japanese agriculture seriously.

The mechanism of European market advocates‘Market Economy’although it does not mean‘Market Society’. There is big difference between European thinking and American's against the poor and minorities at the point. In my view, Gore seems to be superior to Bush in the US presidential election, especially in west coast states because people are so fed up with the market for the market's sake that minorities expect Gore to treat them well. I wonder that the result of Asian way was right at the last APEC conference.

IT(Information Technology) is the almighty way of the day. We see the word‘revolution’accompanied with IT quite often. Why don't we use‘improvement’ or‘innovation’? These words would be more suitable to describe the current situation exactly. Now that‘knowledge’is thought much of in a competitive society, the management with IT is gradually established. It is essential to run a business with‘warm sunshine’, not‘chilly wind’. Both an individual and a corporation have to make much of faith and know what philosophy and values others have.

This article of the survey, which can be supportive for growers, made us feel that we have a responsibility for making dealings in a proper price in order to increase productivity of popular flowers.

2000/10/09 磯村信夫