



How to Transport Cut Flowers in response to Retailers' EffortsA shiny season has come. Many of the young wear half sleeved shirts. I suppose changing water every day troubles flower retailers in this season. Recently, an increasing number of retailers dare not hold fridges to keep flowers. It depends on each retailer when they change water. The worry in this season is the increase of bacteria in a bucket water. When we held a meeting about long life of flowers in February, we surveyed the number of bacteria in buckets where wholesale dealers kept cut flowers. Then, we found that one of wholesale dealers had a bucket that turned out to contain a large number of bacteria which we should pay attention to. I am worrying that the number of bacteria may have reached a much more terrible level, now that it is much warmer than that season. You need knowledge and efforts in order to carry out transporting cut flowers in buckets. Even if the flowers seemingly absorb water , they may absorb bacteria as well as water! Once, they absorb bacteria, we can never get rid of them from those stems. The ideal circulation is pre-treatment by breeders and putting into chemical water in a certain temperature→keeping them in a certain temperature in a market→transporting from a market to retailers in a certain temperature→a final treatment by retailers.

In fact, one of our experiments has prove what is the best transportation. The way to shorten flower's life most is bucket transportation(carrying cut flowers putting them into buckets). The way of pre-treatment in addition to transporting in a certain temperature and keeping them without water comes next. And the way I introduced above is the best. Breeders and retailers tend to think that transporting cut flowers keeping them wet is better for weaker flowers. However, you need to think of suppressing an increase of bacteria when you transport cut flowers in a bucket. An increasing number of retailers do not have any fridges since we put a high value on a longer life of flowers. We have to circulate flowers of longer life in order to respond to retailers' efforts.

2001/04/16 磯村信夫