



Importance of Length and Volume of StemsRetailers and wholesale dealers whose payment tend to be delayed are all the more in financial distress. That is caused by severer restraint by financial facilities since last April. I am so worried about management of retailers who are on the verge of insolvency.

Coming back to the point, I am trying to watch the auction every morning. I feel that buyers will not buy any unless they have a look at actual goods although I first thought we could have a deal without getting flowers out of each box and showing them off to the buyers. Long and voluminous products collect buyers' attention. It is possibly because this terribly hot weather has shrunk retail demand. While growers may think that shorter stems help retailers reduce the amount of rubbish, it is no doubt that buyers still put a high value on the length of stems. We, therefore, need to have another deal to sell lower classed flowers.

What I do insist most is that the leading part in an auction is retailers and florists. The retailers and florists have to calculate to assure their gross margin when use one stem in various ways. For example, you may want to eat a fish in various ways such as raw fish, stewed fish or broiled fish. It can be more enjoyable to taste various aspects of a fish. In other words, that is more efficient to make a profit from a fish. As you see in this example, retailers also try to make more profit from a stem especially between June and September. This term is a rather hot season and does not have any good influence on longevity of flower life. Longer and voluminous stems are definitely more useful although growers may think extra length of stems ends only in rubbish. I would repeatedly insist that retailers prefer longer and voluminous stems to make use of them in various ways snapping off twigs in order to make more profit.

2001/07/23 磯村信夫