







Product Pipe Line and Intellectual CapitalismIt is important to share information and plant popular kinds and sell them as much as possible while there is a great demand, as I said before. Otherwise, there are high risks for growers and retailers now that we have too much supply today. It is essential to connect between retailers, wholesale dealers and growers in order to avoid those risks. This connection is, to say, a vertical line. On the other hand, a connection of horizontal line is also important as communication between people of the same trade and each growers on the purpose of sharing information. This can improve the knowledge management as well as avoid risks and eventually lead them to succeed. You can see this crossing figure which bases on whether each person or group have faith or not. You can neither join this crossing lines nor share important information if you think much of only your profit.

You need these three element if you would like to join this alliance.

1. Human Capital: it means whether people can be smart to deal with their tasks, and besides, they can propose improvement and carry it out.

2. Connection Capital: it means how many fine business relations the company has.

3. Structure Capital: it means whether they have a good command of IT(Information Technology).

Now that it is no doubt that knowledge management is the way for the 21st century, these three capitals are essential in order to improve our companies. I do insist that these basic capitals of knowledge management, which were once so called assets, are necessary to make progress towards the 21st century.

2000/10/16 磯村信夫