

① 品質には外観と中身がある。中身の質を重視した施策を取り、水揚げや葉保ち、花保ち、咲ききること、水遣りを毎日しなくても長持ちすること、日が当たらなくても長い間観賞できることなどの項目をユーザーにアピールすること、それによってイニシャルコストは高いものの、ランニングコストである1日あたりの観賞コストはむしろ安いことをアピールする。
② 品揃えも品質の一部である。消費の多様化で小売店も生産者も多数の品揃えが必要になってくる。その中で死に筋を減らし、売れ筋の扱いを増やそうとする。話は横道にそれるが、この消費の多様化が花の卸売会社が花き流通の大宗であり続けるといわれる所以である。


Competing in the Field of QualityI often find exhaustion on breeders' faces when they visit us. They are hectic with daily work without any bright future vision. Moreover, a decrease of their income is more serious than before. I always have them have a look at the average of each case's price. This list shows that an average price of this year has beenexceeding that of last year in general reaching that of the year before last. "According to this list, we are coming out of the worst term", I say to them.

When Dendrobium Phalaenopsis from Thailand or original flowers from Oceania were started being imported, domestic flowers could be found their way to survive in a Japanese market. It was because domestic flowers were competitive in the sense of quality. Japanese flowers are one of fine flowers in the field of quality. However, the recent consuming movement shows that the bottom half of middle classes thinks much of prices, not quality. Japanese business is weak at competing in the field of prices as we have a saying, "Penny wise and pound foolish." On contrary, it is strong at competing in the field of quality. The demand of the middle classes, which occupy a majority in society, tends to think more and more of prices rather than qualities. Nevertheless, we need to promote product quality to compete in the following ways.
1. "High Quality" must satisfy both looks and contents. It is essential to put a high value on contents from now on and appeal flower's long life even if you don't water it every day or don't keep it in a sunny place.
2. It is also important for both retailers and breeders to keep a wide range of variety. They need to catch a new trend and cut down minor kinds.

Flowers have their worth in themselves unlike vegetables. Momentary relish is not satisfying for consumers. True value of flowers exists in long term communication between consumers and flowers. Each dealer is expected to devote themselves to their own business such as selecting popular kinds, thinking of circulation, studying long life of flowers and so on. Then, I am convinced that breeders will get appropriate income.

2001/05/21 磯村信夫